Is My Child on the Autism Spectrum? Behavioral Red Flags

Very often, children on the autism spectrum will display behaviors at a very young age (generally 18 to 24 months) that are consistent with autism. The videos below provide some great insights into red flags you might notice as a parent of a child on the spectrum.

Some of the key takeaways from the videos below include the following behaviors that might be indicative of a child on the spectrum:

Lack of pointing;

Echoing words/phrases that have no meaning in and of themselves;

Memorized phrases that your child uses without meaning;

Difficulty expressing needs and wants;

Not responding to name;

Lack of showing items of interest to people;

Using an adult’s hand as a tool;

Inflection used when speaking does not match the content of the words or what would be expected (known as “unusual prosody”);

Lack of pretend skills;

Lack of eye contact, interest in or affection for others;

Lack of warm, joyful facial expressions;

Aloof to other people’s emotions;

Repetitive or obsessive behavior;

Fascination with lights;


Excessive walking on the tips of the toes (“toe walking”); and

Hyperactivity or hypoactivity in response to stimuli.

If you have noticed such behaviors in your child, contact your physician for an autism evaluation, also known as a developmental evaluation. Your child’s school district might also be of assistance in providing you with access to a developmental specialist who can perform the evaluation.

In the event that your child receives an autism diagnosis, your physician will very likely recommend ABA therapy.

Here is the first video:

Here is the second video:

And, last but not least, here is the third video: